monochrome scarab lineart


camellia with dew, San José, California

2016-05-06 – Nikon D3300
camellia with dew, San José, California

(youtube) Oingo Boingo «Dead Man’s Party»

as far as this website is concerned, I don’t know how long it’ll maintain my attention, but getting in the habit of doing something on a daily basis makes it far more likely that I’ll want to keep momentum going – I like routine

the website/blog/journal itself is hand-coded HTML and CSS (no Javascript) all edited in nano – the daily process is relatively simple (just tedious) – make a copy of the previous day’s file, edit to update the dates, the backlink, the photo, the «song of the day», and, of course, the actual content – I’ve added in some new complications of my choosing: remembering to update the RSS feed and the «now» link on the front page

