monochrome scarab lineart


front of boat in Koh Samui, Thailand

2017-08-13 – Panasonic DMC-GX7
front of boat in Koh Samui, Thailand

(youtube) Bombino, «Tar Hani» (live)

marking the passing of time – I’ve tried to teach myself to focus on ISO 8601 for marking dates (especially useful for filenames) – I’m attracted to the idea of perennial calendars – specifically leap week calendars since they placate those who insist un-weeked days have no place – and if you use an ISO week, then someone else has already done the calculations for leap weeks (week 53)

$ date '+%Y %j %W %u'
    (full-year day-of-year week-number day-of-week)

(wikipedia) perennial calendar
(wikipedia) leap week calendar
(wikipedia) ISO week date

lately, I’ve become enamored of «arvelie» date notation – the day of this blog post is «24U04» – nominally, the year since you started the journal, a letter for the two-week month, and the day of the month – it does fall into the trap of two-digit years, but since the year is supposed to be relative (an era year rather than a calendar year), it would only become an issue if you updated your journal for over a hundred years …

(XXIIVV) arvelie

basing the journal year off the calendar year is a matter of convenience – similar to Kurzgesagt creating the Human Era calendar by simply adding 10 000 to the calendar year

(kurzgesagt) Human Era Calendar

